What's New

Congrats to Gord! Our First s.c.a.n. Answer Wizard!


Congrats to Gord!  He's the first person to accumlate more than 1,000 Karma points for helping answer questions on the StockCharts Answer Network (s.c.a.n.).  If you have always wanted to ask another StockCharts user how to do something with our tools, why not go over to s.c.a.n. right now and ask?  Gord, "AgnosticTrader", "Trade_to_Live" and many other friendly, experienced users are anxious to help.

Just what it sounds like, the "What's New" blog tells you what's new on StockCharts.com. It contains short announcements about new site features, sales, and upcoming webinars and events.
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Thanks Chip, but I think I'm just the first because I was the first to sign up, right after you. There are already many great users on their way to 1000 and I'm sure there will be many more in the near future. It was a great idea and I'm sure all StockCharts users will find it useful and contribute in whatever way they can. cheers, Gord
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