Art's Charts

February 2024

Art's Charts

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Finding Leaders and Bullish Signals on the Price Chart

by Arthur Hill

Chartists can improve their odds by focusing on stocks that are in long-term uptrends and showing upside leadership. This is similar to a dual-momentum approach, which was covered last week... Read More 

Art's Charts

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Capturing the Momentum Phenomenon - Nvidia vs Tesla

by Arthur Hill

The momentum phenomenon has been a fixture in the US equity markets for decades. There are two types of momentum to consider: absolute momentum and relative momentum. Absolute momentum refers to the underlying trend, up or down... Read More 

Art's Charts

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Generals March On, but Fewer Troops are Following - Get the Essential Breadth Indicator ChartList

by Arthur Hill

Divergences reflect a disconnect between price and the indicator. A bearish divergence forms when price forges a higher high and the indicator fails to confirm this high... Read More