We investors are imperfect creatures living in a complex world. We are destined to stumble and fall. It’s part and parcel of the probability game that is the stock market. One day in the near future, you will find yourself here amongst “the investing losers”, just as surely as any exceptional salesperson whose potential customer refuses his or invitation to buy. Be comforted in the knowledge that when you land here, you will not arrive alone. Other “investing losers” will be there with you – old and new friends as well.
This isn’t the end. You’ll just need to brush yourself off, put the bad trade completely behind you (after first siphoning off the key insights you just learned) and know that probabilities dictate you are now one step closer to your next big winning trade. What you don’t do is ignore potential lessons just learned and simply kick the can down the road. You don’t allow all those negative ions to jump all over you and drown you like a tsunami. This is where you need to get vaccinated with a little personalized truth serum and answer the question: what will I do differently next time?
Yes, it’s a setback, but think of it merely as a chance to begin again. A chance to comeback and rise to greater heights. Welcome to the investor’s comeback trail. It’s carved by missteps and built upon insights. There is no map for this journey, no trail guide for the undisciplined or uncommitted. For those investors, it’s easy to get lost here.
For the faithful and seasoned investor, the what-ifs and false starts are not dwelled upon. The next mile marker and a fresh welcome sign are just up the road. Focus there and believe in yourself. Yes, you will soar again.
Trade well; trade with discipline!
-- Gatis Roze