Mish's Market Minute

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About the author: serves as Director of Trading Education at MarketGauge.com. For nearly 20 years, MarketGauge.com has provided financial information and education to thousands of individuals, as well as to large financial institutions and publications such as Barron’s, Fidelity, ILX Systems, Thomson Reuters and Bank of America. In 2017, MarketWatch, owned by Dow Jones, named Mish one of the top 50 financial people to follow on Twitter. In 2018, Mish was the winner of the Top Stock Pick of the year for RealVision. Learn More

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Mish's Market Minute

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An Award Announcement With a Dash of Market Commentary

by Mish Schneider

With words like "Schneider's dedication to educating others about stocks is unparalleled," Traders World Fintech Awards honors me in the most amazing way possible...Read More 

Mish's Market Minute

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When News Moves So Fast, Stocks Can Stand Still

by Mish Schneider

Waking up to a new week of geopolitical stress, fake news (Blackrock spot ETF), higher yields, softer dollar, equities rally, I thought to myself: As far as the market goes, it feels like time is standing still...Read More 

Mish's Market Minute

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Will Bitcoin Go the Way of a Commodity or an Equity?

by Mish Schneider

I went back to my Outlook 2023 written in December 2022, where I begin with: You Can't Run with the Hare and Hunt with the Hounds. This expression will ultimately summarize the upcoming year. As the Year of the Tiger loses its roar, the Year of the Rabbit hops into view...Read More 

Mish's Market Minute

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Comfort in the Stock Charts (Video Interview)

by Mish Schneider

Some notes this week: Growth stocks are acting as a defense move again, especially given that the Fed remains on the fence about interest rate. Small caps and retail though, could still act as an anchor...Read More 

Mish's Market Minute

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Monthly Chart Points to Much Higher Oil Prices Coming

by Mish Schneider

Before we begin, just a note to mention that TLT took out the fast MA featured in the October 10th daily, while SPY underperformed. If that is a trend, it behooves you to review that daily...Read More 

Mish's Market Minute

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A Closer Look at Long Bonds and The US Dollar

by Mish Schneider

The next direction of the long bonds is crucial in determining the macro. First, after a wrecking ball crash and ahead of the FOMC, we could surmise that a bottoming-like action defines the last several trading days. Our Real Motion indicator shows a mean reversion...Read More 

Mish's Market Minute

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What We Will Use to Ascertain the Market's Next Moves

by Mish Schneider

For consistency, here are the key go-tos during an uncertain time in the market: The next direction of long bonds (TLT). The next direction of the small caps and retail sectors (IWM, XRT)...Read More 

Mish's Market Minute

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Small-Caps and Retail Hold the Line in the Sand

by Mish Schneider

I spent all of last week, in the media and in print, going over the importance of 2 key indicators. (See the media clips below.) Our risk gauges on Big View, all of which kept flashing risk-on regardless of the doom-and-gloom and initial selloff in bonds and SPY...Read More 

Mish's Market Minute

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Watch Mish on Real Vision and More!

by Mish Schneider

Yesterday, we covered the 80-month moving average in small caps and retail. Today, I did several interviews -- some already out (BNN Bloomberg), others out soon (Financial Sense with Jim Pupluva), and the one that you'll find on YouTube later today with Real Vision...Read More 

Mish's Market Minute

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Time to Talk 6-7 Year Market Business Cycles

by Mish Schneider

We began the year examining the 23-month moving averages in all the indices and major market sectors...Read More