Hello Fellow ChartWatchers!
The new version of our Public ChartList area is now officially released and ready for your use. The Public ChartList area has been a real "hidden gem" of our website for years where any StockCharts member (with an Extra account) can publish their own chart analysis for everyone to enjoy. This new version adds a nice collection of new features for both Public ChartList readers and Public ChartList authors.
- A New, More Reliable Ranking System - The old vote-based system has been completely replaced with a new ranking system that takes into account multiple factors to determine a list's popularity. Once things settle down from the launch - in about a month - readers can be confident that the lists at the top of the "scoreboard" will be worth reviewing.
- A "Follow" System to Help You Review Your Favorite Lists Quickly - If you like a Public ChartList (and you are a StockCharts member) simply click the "Follow" button for that list and we'll make it easy to find and review that list in the future.
- List Categories Help You Qucikly Find Lists You Are Interested In - All Public ChartLists must now be categorized by their authors. Now you can quickly find all the lists about, for example, Elliott Wave Theory or Sector Rotation with just two clicks.
- Badges Help You Find Reliable Authors - You can now tell at a glance how long an author has been maintaining their list and whether or not they have done anything to stand out from the crowd.
- Automatic Downgrades for Overly Commercial Lists - We've heard continual complaints from readers about the overt commercialism in many of the old Public ChartLists. The new system automatically downranks lists that include annoying, spam-like commentary or content that offends lots of readers.
If you have tried looking at the Public ChartList area before and were not able to find interesting information there, I urge you to take another look right now by clicking here. You'll quickly find great charts and commentary like this one from Angela O'Donnell:
or this snippet from Espen Corneliussen's daily $GOLD chart:
Bottom Line: Every ChartWatcher should spend some time looking at the Public ChartList area and Vote For and/or Follow their favorite authors.
- New Ranking System is Fair and Reliable - The new ranking system prevents the fraud and abuse that our old system struggled with. Trying to "game the ranking system" no longer works.
- Multiple Ways to Customize Your List Over Time - Earn perks like custom avatars and color schemes that can help your list stand out from the crowd.
- Multiple Badge Awards - Earn awards that appear next to your name and show readers your commitment to quality chart commentary.
- Earn Your Own Official Slice of StockCharts.com - Over time, popular lists will gain their own custom StockCharts.com web address along with minimal StockCharts branding and the ability to add custom HTML widgets. It will be like having your own chunk of StockCharts!
There will be some volatility in the rankings during the first couple of weeks as the system builds up its statistics. By the end of March, we expect things to be working fully. And watch our for new perks and badges that authors can earn. We plan on release more of them in the coming months to give you even more ways to customize your list. Stay tuned...
- Chip