Cabot Oil and Gas (COG) is not just another cog in the oil-patch wheel. This peppy producer just broke out to two year highs, contrary to all the naysayers who keep looking back at the performance charts for energy.
It has been making higher highs and higher lows since last October and this thrust above resistance couldn't be more welcome in an industry full of bearish charts. The SCTR surged above the 75 level to 92 and looks like its just getting its head of steam.
Good trading,
Greg Schnell, CMT, MFTA

About the author:
Greg Schnell, CMT, MFTA is Chief Technical Analyst at Osprey Strategic specializing in intermarket and commodities analysis. He is also the co-author of Stock Charts For Dummies (Wiley, 2018). Based in Calgary, Greg is a board member of the Canadian Society of Technical Analysts (CSTA) and the chairman of the CSTA Calgary chapter. He is an active member of both the CMT Association and the International Federation of Technical Analysts (IFTA).
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