There is only one Albert Einstein and only one Warren Buffett. There is only one race – the human race. There is only one life you can live. There is only one God. Some say there is only one way to avoid criticism – do nothing, say nothing, be nothing. Many claim there is only one right way in many arenas. With cars and with investing, this is certainly not the case.
I was once again boldly reminded of that fact this past weekend in Las Vegas while celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Ford Mustang with a couple thousand of my closest friends. It’s hard to believe but I did not see any two Mustangs that were alike. All of the owners had added various personal touches to make their cars their own. When you consider that since 1964, over 9,000,000 Mustangs have been sold, it speaks to people’s proud passion for their cars.
Similarly, with one’s investing methodology – as with their Mustangs – there is no “one size fits all”. It’s all about finding the ‘one way’ that best fits your trading personality and lifestyle.
When you trade investment vehicles that you understand and enjoy, when you trade the timeframes that suit your lifestyle, when you use a methodology that is indeed appropriate for your personality, then you’ll find that “your way” begins to produce consistent profits.
It’s not about finding the one right way to invest. It’s all about finding the right way for you to invest. Christopher Morley put it more succinctly. There is only one success…to be able to spend your life in your own way.
Trade well; trade with discipline!
-- Gatis Roze