As I’ve revisited my trading journals from many years ago, I’ve come to realize what an unbelievable transformative journey it has been from part-time investor to full-time trader. I am somewhat startled by the personal evolution I’ve undergone with respect to both the markets and my personal life. I can’t help but feel I’ve become a significantly improved version of the person I used to be and I’m pleased with that. I thought I’d try to articulate to you just a few of those changes.
- The markets taught me not to be afraid of being wrong. It became more important to stop being wrong than remain in a position while in some artificial personal comfort zone. This yielded the added benefit of making me more fearless to invest in earlier market moves knowing I could and would pull the trigger to exit as demanded.
- The market is an arena of ever shifting winds. Being willing and capable of changing accordingly with these shifts as they occurred became an essential and necessary prerequisite for success.
- The markets transformed me from being just a curious investor to becoming a student of the markets who was willing to delve deeper into understanding its mysteries. Thanks to its lessons, I’ve become a lifelong learner in many other aspects of my life.
- Trading the markets has been a wonderful training ground for learning to think on my feet and to act decisively upon that learning with respect to market activities as well as life in general.
- The markets have taught me to be a better listener. I’ve learned to listen carefully to both the markets and people before expressing myself.
- The markets will humble everyone regardless of your IQ. The sooner you embrace a personal humbleness towards the markets, the sooner profits will flow.
- At first, I found the markets to be like an oversized version of the all-you-can-eat dinner buffet. But over time, I gravitated to a healthier focus on just a select group of food groups (equities) I could reasonably digest. For myself, narrowing my focus was the appropriate course.
- I’ve learned to take calculated risks, embrace probabilities, accept inevitable failure with humility, yet remain resilient and optimistic about executing my next trade with a fresh inspired zest unburdened as much as possible by previous losses.
- The markets taught me that becoming deeply and actively involved in my investing efforts on multiple fronts simultaneously made a big difference in my results. Commitment does matter.
Trade well; trade with discipline!
-- Gatis Roze

About the author:
Gatis Roze, MBA, CMT, is a veteran full-time stock market investor who has traded his own account since 1989 unburdened by the distraction of clients. He holds an MBA from the Stanford Graduate School of Business, is a past president of the Technical Securities Analysts Association (TSAA), and is a Chartered Market Technician (CMT). After several successful entrepreneurial business ventures, Gatis retired in his early 40s to focus on investing in the financial markets. With consistent success as a stock market trader, he began teaching investments at the post-college level in 2000 and continues to do so today.
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