STRAP ON YOUR HELMETS! - As we've been telling you, this coming week is our big change over to the ThomsonOne Data Feed. We've tested and simulated and fine-tuned things to death but starting on Monday we'll begin the changeover for real. Let us know if you see any thing out of the ordinary and we'll get right on it. We appreciate your patience during this transition.
NEW CHARTSCHOOL ARTICLES - We've just added two great new articles to our ChartSchool area - one on "Multicollinearity" and another on "Swing Charting". "Multicollinearity" is a $10 word "accidentally using two indicators that are related". It's a problem that you definitely want to avoid and this article will help you do so. "Swing Charting" has been around for years and has recently made a comeback. Read all about it here, then let us know what you think!
"TOOLS TOUR" DEBUTS - Over the course of the next couple of weeks, we'll be adding several animated movies showing how you can use various aspects of our site and what you should be seeing on your screen as you do so. The first in these series of movies is our "Tools Tour". Enjoy! (Flash required)