- After a week off, John's back at his perch, watching the markets like a hawk and reporting the technical developments to his subscribers. John reports that his trip to Yellowstone National Park and the Grand Tetons was spectacular and very relaxing although he did confess to sneaking a glance at the markets "once or twice" while there. Welcome back, John!
ANOTHER STOCKCHARTER'S JOURNEY - Another member of the StockCharts.com family is a guy named Pete Behmer. Pete recently took some time off from work to pursue his long-time dream of hiking the Pacific Crest Trail from Mexico to Canada. Even though he was recently forced to abandon his trek, he was able to create an absolutely amazing journal of his adventure at http://www.pct2005.com. Some of the pictures that Pete took along his hike are absolutely amazing! Pete's doing much better now and hopes to resume his work here at StockCharts soon. Welcome back, Pete!

About the author:
Chip Anderson is the founder and president of StockCharts.com.
He founded the company after working as a Windows developer and corporate consultant at Microsoft from 1987 to 1997.
Since 1999, Chip has guided the growth and development of StockCharts.com into a trusted financial enterprise and highly-valued resource in the industry.
In this blog, Chip shares his tips and tricks on how to maximize the tools and resources available at StockCharts.com, and provides updates about new features or additions to the site.
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