SHARPCHARTS2 OFFICIALLY RELEASED - Late last week we officially released SharpCharts2. This is a huge step forward for and we couldn't have done it without the help and support of our users. Thanks again to everyone that provided feedback to us during the Beta process. We are still interested in hearing from anyone that has suggestions for improving things - use the "Report Problems" link below the chart to send us your ideas.
Attention New SC2 Users! Be sure to read our SharpCharts2 FAQ page for help with transitioning from SharpCharts1 to SharpCharts2.
NEW LOOK FOR OUR SUPPORT AREA - We also release an updated version of our Support area last week. The new area is cleaner looking and easier to navigate. More importantly, it uses "Wiki" technology similar to that found in sites like "". That will allow us to keep our support information up-to-date much more easily than before. Watch for us to update our ChartSchool area with this same technology soon.
HARDWARE IMPROVEMENTS CONTINUE - Something that may not be as apparent is the amount of additional hardware that we've added to the website recently. In the past two weeks, we have brought 10 new servers on-line and upgraded our 4 oldest machine to new hardware. There are now over 50 top-of-the-line servers driving our website. We also placed an order for an additional super-high-speed internet connection that will boost our bandwidth by 33% when it arrives later this spring.
CONTEST ALERT! - We are putting the finishing touches on the rules for a contest that we want to announce in 2 weeks (in the next newsletter). We want to help our users improve their computer equipment by giving away new computers and new computer monitors via an online contest. When the contest starts, we'll be asking for people to send us stories, pictures and examples of how they are using to make better investing decisions. There will be several categories for awards, from the "best use of SharpCharts2's new features" to fun things like "oldest computer" and "messiest office." Start thinking about the unique things you do with StockCharts and get ready to share them with us in the coming weeks!