For the last few weeks the stock market has been drifting higher on low volume, and there is no doubt in my mind that the Fed/Treasury has been the invisible hand that has quickly moved in to squelch any selling that started. Under these conditions, I find it difficult to draw any solid conclusions from indicators that have been fed a diet of questionable market activity. Nevertheless, we must work with the information we have and accept it at face value until more normal market action increases our confidence in our conclusions.
Looking at the chart below we can see pretty much all there is to see in the medium-term picture. Breadth and volume indicators are clearly in the overbought side of the trading range. Based upon the range we have seen during the bear market, internals are very overbought, but, relative to the normal indicator ranges, the indicators have a long way to go up if the rally continues.
The PMO (Price Momentum Oscillator) is still below the zero line, but it is recovering from the lowest reading since the 1987 Crash, and, relatively speaking, it too is overbought. However, there is still plenty of room before a continued rally will move the PMO to normal overbought levels.
Looking at the price index, we can see the S&P 500 is coming out of a "V" bottom, and there is plenty of room for it to rally before it hits serious overhead resistance. A rally up to that resisitance would convince most people that the bear market was over, but it wouldn't be. And by then the market would be seriously overbought by any standard.
In the short-term the market is very overbought, as demonstrated by the CVI (Climactic Volume Indicator) chart below; however, CVI readings this high can also be an initial impulse that initiates a rally.
Bottom Line: By bear market standards the market is overbought and due for a correction, but there is plenty of room for prices and indicators to expand upward. The low volume associated with the rally dampens my enthusiasm for the positive signs that exist, and I wonder if investors are ready to forget the fear that has been generated by the severe beating they have been dealt by the economy and falling markets.