Hello Fellow ChartWatchers!
Friday's jobs report threw things for a bit of a loop as the markets all moved lower on the final day of the week. But all-in-all it was a positive week for every major average with the DJIA leading the way up over 3.8%. Later in this newsletter, John Murphy will explain the implications of Friday's jobs report on the bond market and then Arthur and Greg will look at the sector consequences. On the other hand, I need to use the rest of my article to tell you about our latest major announcement...
London Calling, Part Deux
Long-time StockCharts members may recall that back in late 2010 we started providing London Stock Exchange stocks on our charting service. Unfortunately, we began offering those stocks right around the time that the Greek financial crisis deepened causing investors to lose interest in European stocks. In mid-2011 we discontinued our LSE service due to a lack of interest from customers. At that time, I promised that we'd eventually bring back LSE stocks and today, I'm thrilled to announce that we've done just that.
Like before, LSE stocks have ticker symbols that end with ".L" - so, for example, Lloyd's of London has the symbol "LLOY.L" on our website. Also, like before, we've started things off slowly by first offering LSE stocks to all of our users for free(!) but with a 15-minute delay on the quotes. In the next couple of months, we will start providing real-time LSE price charts for people that are interested in that.
We currently have all of the "major" LSE stocks in our system. If there is an LSE stock that you are interested in that we do not have, just head over to our Symbol Request form and let us know. We'll try to add any missing symbols as quickly as possible.
We have daily/weekly/monthly history for these stocks going back to 2003. In addition to those interday periods, members can also create delayed intraday charts (i.e., 1-, 2-, 5-, 10-, 15-, 30- and 60-minute charts) for LSE stocks; however, it will take a couple of weeks for the historical data for those bar periods to build up in our databases.
LSE stocks are also fully supported in our Scan Engine and in our Alert Engine so members can create and run technical scans and receive technical alerts for them as well. For instance, you can use "[exchange = LSE]" and "[country = UK]" in your scans now. We also have added an LSE column to our Predefined Scan Reports.
Finally, the $FTSE index has also been upgraded to support delayed intraday data updates.
Watch for us to add more LSE-specific features to the site over time including - but not limited to - London MarketCarpets, LSE Predefined Scans, FTSE Stock Lists, LSE SCTRs and more.
Again, currently all of this new data is 1.) completely free and 2.) delayed 15-minutes. For those of you that are looking for real-time LSE data, I will let you know when that becomes available - probably by the middle of the year.
Well then, pip pip! Cheerio old chap! Ta ta and what not!
- Chip
(Wait... what? They don't say those things anymore? Well, what do they say these days? Just "Goodbye"? That's bloody barmy!)