There are many opinions in the market and that is what makes the market so interesting. Without question one of the perplexing areas of the market has been the 10 Year Treasury Yield for a lot of investors. With the Federal Reserve looking like it wants to increase interest rates at the next meeting, I thought it would be timely to check in on the Bond Yield chart.
While the US Yield has been dropping since the first of the year, it has caught a lot of the major participants off guard. But US investors are not alone. The British and Japanese charts also sport lower yields since the first of the year. Only Germany is holding a higher yield in April over January 1.
This chart should be very interesting as we approach the June 15th Fed Meeting. We will also get more information out of Europe over the next month so we will see if Germany's yield continues to rise over the January level. You can click on this chart at any time to see the updated version.
To trade the bond yields, you can use ETF's like TBT, TLT and IEF to name a few.
For the Educational Segment:
Alerts are a fabulous tool but have been overlooked by many of our users. These alerts can be triggered on any ticker symbol. They also can trigger on an indicator or an overlay like a moving average. As an example you could program the alert to let you know when the weekly MACD is greater than zero on a stock you like to watch. You can also set an alert to trigger when a stock price goes above a 20 or 34 or 65 or 200 Day moving average. You pick the number, there is no preset for you. These alerts can pop up on your screen, in your email or by text including in Canada with no international text fee.
Today, the alerts settings got a much more prominent position on our Members Page. Look for it on your Members Tab. If you have not tried alerts before, click on the instructions link (Blue arrow below) when you are on the Members Page for help on using this fabulous tool!
Good trading,
Greg Schnell, CMT, MFTA.