
How can I find stocks with big changes in their StockCharts Technical Rank (SCTR)?


The StockCharts Technical Rank (SCTR) pages can be sorted by column, of which there are seven. Chartists can sort by “name” to quickly find a stock. Sort can be by “sector” or “industry” to group stocks. Chartists can find the strongest or weakest stocks by sorting with the “SCTR” column. Those interested in the closing price of a stock can sort by “price”. The final column, “change”, is perhaps the most powerful. A sort by this column shows the stocks with the biggest changes, both up and down, in the SCTR. These are the movers and shakers on the day. The image below shows part of the S&P 500 SCTR table sorted by change with the biggest gainers at the top.

Click this image for a live chart.

Want to see a chart for an individual stock? The “name” column contains the stock name with a link. There are three ways to open this chart. First, users can click the left mouse button (normal click) to open the chart in the same window. You can return to the table by using the back arrow on your browser or clicking the right mouse button. Second, click the link using the mouse wheel to open in a new tab. This makes it possible to open several charts in several tabs. Third, users can click the right mouse button for options to open in a new window or a new tab. You can read more on the StockCharts Technical Rank (SCTR) in our ChartSchool

Arthur Hill
About the author: , CMT, is a Senior Technical Analyst at He has written articles for numerous financial publications including Barrons and Stocks & Commodities magazine. Focusing predominantly on US equities and ETFs, his systematic approach of identifying trend, finding signals within the trend, and setting key price levels has made him an esteemed technician. In addition to his CMT designation, Arthur holds an MBA from the Cass Business School at City University in London. Learn More
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