
How Can I put Spaces between Candlesticks or Price Bars?


SharpCharts users can add varying degrees of space between price bars by using the gap function in SharpCharts. Note that this function is only available when "fill the chart" is selected for the date range. SharpCharts with a predefined range, such as six months or one year, will not have the option to add gaps. The gap setting ranges from zero to five. Zero means there will be no space between the price bars or candlesticks (first example below). Setting the gap to five will produce a chart with the maximum space between the price bars (second example below). The gap function can be found just to the right of the date range setting.  

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Arthur Hill
About the author: , CMT, is a Senior Technical Analyst at He has written articles for numerous financial publications including Barrons and Stocks & Commodities magazine. Focusing predominantly on US equities and ETFs, his systematic approach of identifying trend, finding signals within the trend, and setting key price levels has made him an esteemed technician. In addition to his CMT designation, Arthur holds an MBA from the Cass Business School at City University in London. Learn More
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