If you've been a member of StockCharts.com for more than a year, don't forget that you qualify for our long-term loyalty discount! Here's how it works:
If you've been a continuous member for more than a year, you should now see a yellow "badge" or ribbon after your name on our "Members" page after you log in. (Market Message-only subscribers will see it on the right side of the Market Message page.) Your badge should look similar to this:
If you click on that badge, you should see a popup window appear that contains a Coupon Code. That code, which is unique to your account and cannot be shared, can be used to reduce the cost of any renewal or upgrade order. The amount of the reduction depends on how long you have been a member. 2-year members get a 2% discount, 5-year members get 5%. etc.
To use the coupon, you simply write it down and enter it into the "Coupon" field at the end of our sign-up process.
Coupon codes can only be used once, however, going forward, for each year that you are a member, you will receive an additional coupon with a larger discount!
It's just another way for us to say "Thank you!" for being loyal StockCharts.com members.