In a yield-seeking world, the story for REIT's and Trusts seems stronger than ever. The stable cash flow in an otherwise turbulent world is attracting the investment dollar. The REIT's are giving the financial sector support, but the sector as represented by the XLF is still trending down. National Storage Affiliates Trust (NSA) IPO'd a little over a year ago and has been rising ever since.
While it is in a weak sector, the REIT's and Trusts within the financial sector are performing well. This particular Trust has a yield close to 4% and it is rising after they completed a public offering of common shares last week.
Using the SCTR ranking, you can keep abreast on which REIT's and Trusts are performing well. Right now, it seems more important than ever to make sure you are in strong defensive areas of the market.
Good trading,
Greg Schnell, CMT, MFTA