
Checking Out the New Legend Tool at StockCharts


Chip announced a new feature on the website yesterday. Let's look at it here in the Mailbag.

The legends used to have two options - On and Off.

What changed is a new option called Verbose. 

When the Chart has additional panels with price data in them, the verbose option will show the entire name of the stock, index, etf etc. rather than just the ticker symbol in all the price panels. To turn this feature on, you'll see it on the far right hand side of Chart Attributes.

Screen Shot 2014-01-26 at 12.14.31 PM

Here is how it changes the chart. Note the green arrows. This explains each ticker for readers of the chart. 

$DJW 20140126

While we are here, lets analyze the chart above. in the top panel, is the global stock index. It seems to need 4 channel lines rather than 3. While the $NYA and $TSX (Canada) have been at the top of their ranges, the world index has been sitting in the middle. The bottom panel shows the all world index without US stocks. On the green chart you can see it sits well below the middle of the range.  These major up trend lines won't fall easily, but it looks like the Vanguard all world ex US index lower line will be tested this week. Especially if the other world exchanges follow the big down day in the US on Friday January 24th.

Hope you like the new tool - The Verbose legend setting!

Good Trading,

Greg Schnell, CMT

Greg Schnell
About the author: , CMT, is a Senior Technical Analyst at specializing in intermarket and commodities analysis. Based in Calgary, he is a board member of the Canadian Society of Technical Analysts (CSTA) and the chairman of the CSTA Calgary chapter. He is also the author of Stock Charts for Dummies (Wiley, 2018). Learn More
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