
Introducing the Zoom Thumbnail


StockCharts recently acquired all of Decision Point's Charting tools. Only about 1/2 the tools have been converted onto the StockCharts platform, but more and more will arrive shortly.

One of the tools now available is so nice. You can look at a longer term chart and have a thumbnail that zooms in on the last time frame. What makes this so powerful, is it takes the entire vertical height of the 8 month chart and focuses it on the last month in my example below. This really helps put the most recent price action into perspective!

Here is a US listing of Suncor. Why Suncor? It broke out of a trading range recently. It really makes the value of the Zoom Thumbnail tool obvious.

SU 20140205

Notice how the entire vertical height of the chart is used to display the last month. It rescales the little box on the right based on the minimum and maximum price. It also focuses your indicator panels as well. Rather than the MACD being the bottom 1/3 of the MACD box, the zoom tool uses the whole box height for the last month. The most important data is on the right edge of the chart, and this is where the benefit of 'Zoom Thumbnail' really helps.

Where can you find this tool?

Screen Shot 2014-02-05 at 9.00.53 AM

See the checked box on the bottom right in the Chart Attributes. Just click it. This also works on other timeframes.


Good trading,

Greg Schnell, CMT

Greg Schnell
About the author: , CMT, is a Senior Technical Analyst at specializing in intermarket and commodities analysis. Based in Calgary, he is a board member of the Canadian Society of Technical Analysts (CSTA) and the chairman of the CSTA Calgary chapter. He is also the author of Stock Charts for Dummies (Wiley, 2018). Learn More
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I tried the zoom thumbnail on a ten year chart. It was much more useful on a multiyear chart rather than a 6 month or 1 year chart. Very nice addition. Thank you Stockcharts team.