Time Warner (TWX) is splitting off their cable business. That change will have a big impact on the stock starting on Monday (March 30th). Basically it will result in a big reverse split and a distribution-like adjustment to TWX.
As you hopefully know, we adjust our historical data to eliminate the "artificial" effects of things like splits and distributions. Unfortunately, right now (Sunday PM) we do not know the exact details of the adjustments that are being made.
In order to be sure, we've decided to delay the adjusting of TWX's historical data until Monday afternoon. By then we will know the exact details of the adjustment(s) that we need to make. This means that for Monday morning, there will be a disconcerting gap in the TWX chart. The gap will disappear Monday afternoon.
We apologize in advance for any inconvenience the gap in the TWX chart causes.
UPDATE: 2:33pm Eastern - TWX has been adjusted and the gap has been removed.