Chip Anderson

Fiber Link Outage Forces Us Back onto Older, Slower Circuits


Blech.  We were offline for nine hours today.  That was really, really painful.  I know it was painful for our users also.

From our perspective, this outage was as sudden as a bolt of lightning.  One moment things were working; the next moment, nada.  The problem was with our new fiber Gigabit ethernet link that runs from our offices in Redmond, Washington to our ISP's data center in downtown Seattle.  If you haven't read the play-by-play account of the problem and how it was diagnosed, feel free to check out our Status Blog entry.

At this point, there are two things that we want everyone to know:

1.) We have given all of our subscribers an additional week of service for free because of this outage.  Your account's expiration date has already been updated to reflect that additional time.

2.) For the next couple of days, our site might be somewhat slower than it has been.  The older T3 circuits that we are now using can only handle 180 megabits of traffic at a time whereas the new fiber link which broke was able to handle 1024 megabits of traffic.  Until that fiber link is fixed, the site will have to slow down some.

Again, our apologies for this prolonged outage and for any slowness that you see over the next couple of days.  I'll be hard at work pressing our network vendors for answers and better solutions to prevent this kind of thing from happening again.

- Chip

Chip Anderson
About the author: is the founder and president of He founded the company after working as a Windows developer and corporate consultant at Microsoft from 1987 to 1997. In this blog, Chip shares his tips and tricks on how to maximize the tools and resources available at, and provides updates about new features or additions to the site. Learn More
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You folks are first class - to offer an extra week of service for a 9 hour outage demonstrates a rare and much appreciated level of service.
Thanks for the updates and hard work to resolve the problem. I signed up for a one month trial last week. Your professionalism and compensation to your members prove that you actually care about your customers.
Thanks for being honnest and transparent!... This is world class customer service. My broker will have an outage that affect me way more than this one, and they barely appologize for it, and it's like pulling teeth to get information on the issue and ETR... You guys lead by example ...
Chip, Thanks for keeping us in the loop on the blog. At least we know you care having taken the time to look after us throughout this hiccup. Keep up the good work!
Chip: We all experience technology problems beyond our control. It's simply a part of business today. I'm sure you gained a few more grey hairs yesterday, and I appreciate your ability to get the problem resolved quickly. It did make me realize and appreciate just how much I rely on your web site every day. Thank you.
Thanks very much for your exceedingly supberb customer service!
You are a model of excellence in everything you do. Thank you!
Thanks, Yours is the only service that takes the time to explain the glitch and compensate the members. Keep up the good work, I feel like a family member!
Thanks for the excellent communication and customer service. Keeping us informed, and updated, on the situation helps a lot. Your handling of this matter underscores why I remain a loyal subscriber.
Chip, Thanks for you and your staff for the quick response to a difficult problem. I'm glad I can have my fix of stockcharts today. The additional week of service is appreciated but not necessary.
Uncommonly excellent customer service. You've demonstrated (and not for the first time) how a top-flight company treats its customers. Well done.
I'm not a member, but I check the site every once a weak at least. Phenomenal customer service and can't agree more with prior customer comments. My cable company doesn't even re-imburse me or change my billing period. If there is an outage, it usually takes follow-up phone calls, etc. and I'm lucky if I get anything. Awesome Pro-active customer service. I might just have to look at signing up myself.....
Well I have to say that even if you did not provide a week free it would not push me away from this fantastic website!!!! Things happen and life moves on!!!! The one thing that you do do is provide the necessary information to your customers and keep them informed as to what is going on! Older and slower is better than nothing at all!!!! Keep up the great work and I will be looking forward to a speedy recovery!!!!
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