I'm thrilled to annouce the launch of s.c.a.n. - the StockCharts Answer Network - a brand new free website where StockCharts users can ask questions that other StockCharts users can answer.
While our Customer Support team will continue to be there to answer any questions that you have for us, this new website gives you another way to get the answers you need - possibly faster - from other real-world users.
Anyone can browse the questions and answers on the s.c.a.n. website without any restrictions.
To ask a question, simple go over to the s.c.a.n. website at http://scan.stockcharts.com and type it in. You will need to register in order to post your question (registration is free and our hard-core privacy policy applies to s.c.a.n. also). Registration prevents scan from filling up with spam and noise.
After you've asked your question, other s.c.a.n. members will probably scramble to help you quickly - why? Because the s.c.a.n. website rewards members with "karma points" and "badges" that increases their status within the s.c.a.n. system granting them new capabilities.
We've added much more details in the FAQ page on the s.c.a.n. server - click here to see it.
I hope you find the StockCharts Answer Network helpful, useful and fun. I encourage you to visit it often and pitch in with answers whenever you can. It will be very interesting to see how this new resource grows and evolves over time.
- Chip
P.S. We'll add links to the s.c.a.n. website throughout the StockCharts website soon - making it much easier to access.
P.P.S. I just posted a bunch of "seed" questions for others (you?) to answer. They are just waiting there for you to come and answer which will earn you a bunch of karma points!