You can share your ChartLists with other StockCharts.com members. There is no limit to the number of ChartLists you can share but each must be done individually. To start, open your ChartList in "Edit" mode. First, open the Members page and click on the "Your ChartLists" link, then, click on the "Edit" link for the ChartList you want to share.
The Edit page for the ChartList has several sections. In the "ChartList Properties" section near the top, click on the "Send To Friend" button.
A small window will show up where you can enter the User ID of the other member. The UserID is the email address they use for their StockCharts.com account. If you do not know it, you will have to contact them.
A small window will then come up where it will ask if you are sure you want to send a copy of the ChartList. Click "OK."
You will see a message like this
Sometimes, our messages are filtered as spam. If they do not receive the email, I would like to recommend that they add "support@stockcharts.com" to their email whitelist.
Happy Charting!