Chip Anderson

Welcome to the Relaunch of the StockCharts Market Message (now free for all StockCharts members!)


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Today I am happy to announce that the StockCharts Market Message area is now available to ALL members for no additional cost.  This is another big increase in the value of a membership.  Any member can now click on the "Market Message" tab at the top of our website and see professional, easy-to-understand technical analysis from John Murphy and Arthur Hill.

(Note to current Market Message subscribers:  We have automatically extended your expiration into the future to compensate you for your remaining Market Message subscription.  Combination package subscribers have already received an additional 23 days of service for each month remaining on their old subscription.  Market Message-only subscribers now have a Basic-level subscription that replaces their old subscriptions.)

I want to take a moment and give everyone an introduction to the Market Message area and how it works.  At its core, it consists of three different blogs: The Market Message itself, Art's Charts, and The Market Message Videos.  There are a couple of other goodies in there too but I want to focus on those three blogs for now.

The StockCharts Market Message with John Murphy -

The main Market Message blog is where John Murphy and Arthur Hill share their thoughts and observations on the technical condition of the market.  The history of the Market Message goes back to the mid-nineties when John first started writing web-based market commentary.  (If you are not familiar with John Murphy and his contributions to the field of Technical Analysis, please read this article.)

Through the years, John has regularly updated the Market Message forming a continuous record of his market thoughts.  (The complete archives go back over 15 years.)  John's writing style is unique among market commentators - his articles are easy to read and very insightful.  They educate as well as inform.  The charts in the articles are linked to our charting tools allowing you to see exactly how John creates them.  And his no-nonesense approach to reading the markets is very refreshing.

In 2005, John was joined by Arthur Hill - the author of the StockCharts ChartSchool - and they continue to work together publishing their content exclusively on  Arthur's style is very similar to John's and he often brings a fresh perspective to the analysis.

The Market Message is typically (but not always) published once a day after the market closes and usually consists of 3 to 5 different topics and the corresponding annotated charts.  It is formatted for easy on-screen reading or printing and archives going back to the start of 2003 are available online.

Let me take a second to talk about what the Market Message is not:

  • It is not a stock picking service - There are no buy/sell recommendations
  • It is not necessarily a daily service - Sometimes, frankly, there's nothing to write about because market conditions don't always change everyday.  At those times, we may choose to not post an update.
  • It is not timing service - There are no specific technical signals it provides. John and Arthur's work is based mainly on visual analysis and the relationships the exist between different segments of the market.

Finally, there is no fixed schedule for when John posts articles and when Arthur posts articles.  While there is often a pattern to the posts (John on some days, Arthur on the others), that pattern is not fixed in stone.  Much of it depends on the behavior of the market and the kind of observations that can be made.


Art's Charts -

So, the StockCharts Market Message is our "premiere" market commentary vehicle, but Arthur Hill has lots of additional information that he provides on his own in the "Art's Charts" blog.  Art's Charts is where Arthur provides a shorter-term perspective on specific stocks and market indexes.  Because he is based in Belgium, Arthur is able to update Art's Charts before the US markets open.  You can read more about Arthur's approach to Art's Charts on this page.


The Market Message Videos -

Whenever Arthur Hill contributes to the Market Message, he also posts a video review of his commentary on the website in the "Recent Videos" area.  In those videos, he leads you through his analysis step-by-step teaching how he comes up with his conclusions.  While watching these videos is not required, it can be tremendously beneficial.  They run anywhere from 5-minutes to 20-minutes in length (sometimes longer).


Market Message Update Notifications -

Finally, a quick note on how you can be notified whenever a Market Message article is published.  The best way is to enable the Market Message email notifications.  Enter the Market Message area, then click on the "Your Account Settings" link on the right side of the page.  Find the "Market Message" area and click on the yellow "Edit" button in that area, then make sure the "Market Message Notification" checkbox is checked and click "Submit."  I strongly recommend that everyone enable that option to get the most out of the Market Message.


Again, by changing things so that the Market Message area is now available to ALL of our subscribers, we have greatly increased the value of a membership.  We hope you enjoy this additional information and take the time to explore and learn from it.  As always, our goal is to help our users make better investing decisions and this is a great way to do that.

- Chip

P.S. Existing Market Message Members:  Got anything to add about how the Market Message area has been helpful to you over the years?  Send it to me using the Comments area below.

P.P.S.  Did I mention that there's a Coupon Code good for 10% off any order from our online Bookstore waiting for you on the "Market Message" home page?

Chip Anderson
About the author: is the founder and president of He founded the company after working as a Windows developer and corporate consultant at Microsoft from 1987 to 1997. In this blog, Chip shares his tips and tricks on how to maximize the tools and resources available at, and provides updates about new features or additions to the site. Learn More
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Thanks for the Christmas present Chip! I've been a memeber for nearly 8 years and have thouroughly enjoyed reading both John and Art's insights. It keeps me abreast of the technical aspects of the overall markets and privovides clues when to step on the gas or move my stops closer! I own nearly all of Johns' books and base a lot of my success on what I learn from them. This added value is icing on the cake! Thank you. Mark
Guys. Thanks a lot. I have only been a member for a year but I plan on being a lifer. The site is amazing, the service top notch. Things like these do not go unnoticed. Really. As a relatively new customer it reassures me of your commitment to your clientele and makes it a snap for me to recommend you to others. Kudos to Stockcharts.
In a world where quality constantly gets stripped for higher margins, this is an incredibly generous surprise. Your service already steps beyond the norm, offering value far beyond the cost. It is greatly appreciated and I have nothing but loyalty and admiration for your helpful insight into the markets. I will recommend this service to everyone I know. Bill
Thank you Stockcharts Team !!! I learnt a lot from your site. I tried many Technical Analysis programs, but Stockcharts is the very best !!! With great respect !!! Eddy Fonteyne (Belgium)
To only say many thanks for the big increase in the value of a membership seems to border on not being very grateful, but what else can a subscriber say? Again, thank you for the addition and the continung superb product!!!
As a long time subscriber, I'm at a loss to describe this surprise . (I especially like the timeliness of "Art's Chart's" available each morning before the market open.) Thank you. However, I'm always surprised to see how many new improvements you add to Stockcharts on a regular basis. Your recent additions of automatic real time updates, their automation and the inspect function were tremendous improvements. It's obvious you guys take pride in offering the best product and service possible.
Chip - thanks so much for the great value already provided by you and the StockCharts team. As a long time subscriber to StockCharts and the Market Message, I especially appreciate the credit of extra days on my subscription and the ever increasing value you are bringing to StockCharts. John and Art's commentaries provide great insight to the markets, are easy to follow and entertaining to read. Your service is superior. Thanks again to you all. P.S. I am looking forward to attending the first ChartCon conference next summer.
I'm a long time subscriber. I really appreciate free Market Message and extra days subscription.Your service is very useful and the best. Thank you.
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