What's New

More Improvements for Flash ChartNotes

We've made some changes to our Flash version of ChartNotes that should improve its performance and usability on smaller screens.  While it might take a couple of seconds to load the first time you use it, all subsequent times should load much faster than before.  Also, if your chart is larger than your browser window, you will see scroll bars inside of ChartNotes that let you move around your chart without "losing" the drawing tools.  Please let us know what you think of these changes.
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Have found the new "flash" method for annotation much more reliable than the Java version, which increasingly was hanging up my browser. New method has been flawless and every bit as fast and efficient. Thanks for constantly improving StockCharts for all of us.
This is a great website. Thanks for keeping focused on making it even better almost daily. I really benefit from your great sofware. At times I wonder if I should checkout what else is available but it all works so well for my needs that I just don't feel the need to change. As far a brokerage services I wish they had more sophiticated "What If" options when I am placing orders, based on the information I have from my chart library. And I realize that this is not your area of service, and I think you are people who would understand my vent here. Thanks Again! Henry
Great work! Keep it up!
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