
How do I Delete a Single Annotation?


Have you created and saved an annotated chart but realized you need to delete an annotation from the chart? To avoid having to recreate the entire chart with annotations you can delete a single annotation. The steps below explain how to delete a single annotation from the chart.

Open up the Chart in ChartNotes


To delete an annotation from an already saved annotated chart the first thing you want to do is open up the saved annotated chart in ChartNotes.

Click the Selection Tool


Once your chart appears in the annotation window click the top far left icon which is the selection tool.

Delete the Annotation


Once you have clicked the selection tool click on the annotation you wish to delete. You will see yellow boxes appear around the annotation. Once the yellow boxes appear click the "delete" key on your keyboard and the annotation will be removed.

Once the annotation you want is removed click "upload" to resave the chart.

*You can delete more than one annotation at a time. Just click the selection tool each time you want to delete an annotation from the chart.

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